Frequently Asked Questions
- Are all sessions done online and anywhere in the world.
A -Yes all sessions are done online and can be done wherever you are in world.
- What online platform do I connect to you with for my session.
A - You have a choice to connect with me through
- How do I make a booking.
A - Go to my "MAKE A BOOKING" tab on my website and fill out the booking form. I will respond to you within the week with my next availability. Please read my "SERVICES & PAYMENT" page to know what service you are booking.
- How do I know what session to book.
A - Please go to my "SERVICES & PAYMENT" page and read through the services that I offer. It explains everything for you thoroughly and then you will be able to decide what suits you best.
- What is the difference between "Psychic Reading session and Psychic Healing session.
A - The difference is a Reading gives you Psychic Guidance , insight and direction and a Transformational Healing session gives you Transformational Energy Healing with Psychic Guidance.
What if I am an existing client but have not had a session recently or on any ongoing basis.
A- You can have a Casual session at anytime during the year or as you need one.
You can choose between either a "60 Min Reading Session" or a 60 or 75 Min " Transformational Healing Session" depending on your needs.​
- What are my session choices if I am a new client.
A - You have the choice with the following sessions.
1. 60 Minute Reading Session
2. Initial 75 minute Transformational Energy Healing Session.