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Frequently Asked Questions

- Are all sessions done online and anywhere in the world.


A  -Yes all sessions are done online and can be done wherever you are in world.




- What online platform do I connect to you with for my session.


A - You have a choice to connect with me through





- How do I make a booking.


A - Go to my "MAKE A BOOKING" tab on my website and fill out the booking form. I will respond to you within the week with my next availability. Please read my "SERVICES & PAYMENT" page to know what service you are booking.




- How do I know what session to book.


A - Please go to my "SERVICES & PAYMENT" page and read through the services that I offer. It explains everything for you thoroughly and then you will be able to decide what suits you best.





- What is the difference between "Psychic Reading session and Psychic Healing session.


A - The difference is a Reading gives  you Psychic Guidance , insight and direction and a Transformational Healing session gives you Transformational Energy Healing with Psychic Guidance.





What if I am an existing client but have not had a session recently or on any ongoing basis.


A- You can have a Casual session at anytime during the year or as you need one.

You can choose between either a "60 Min Reading Session" or a 60  or 75 Min " Transformational Healing Session" depending on your needs.​




- What are my session choices if I am a new client.


A - You have the choice with the following sessions.

1. 60 Minute Reading Session

2. Initial 75 minute Transformational Energy Healing Session.




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DISCLAIMER:  The contents of the Visionary Healing Consulting website, including all written information and materials, such as text, graphics, images, and other material (hereafter “Content”) are for general informational purposes only and are not intended nor should be relied upon for any medical or health advice. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your personal situation, health or medical condition. That is the only way proper medical advice can be provided. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen on the Visionary Healing Consulting website.

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